Perrine & Cooper: Adventurous Companions on an Exploration!

Perrine & Cooper

Perrine and Cooper are an inseparable duo. Cooper, a handsome one-year-old male Australian Shepherd, and Perrine share a passion for adventurous hikes in all weather, exploring the world together. Being a true playful spirit, Cooper enjoys the company of both humans and animals, making their journey full of joy and wonder! Perrine & Cooper Discover the adventurous life of Cooper, the handsome Australian Shepherd!

A Bumpy Start with Perseverance

With Cooper, we went through a somewhat "challenging" puppy phase. He suffered from the parasite Giardia for months, which significantly affected his health. We're not sure where and how he contracted it, but Cooper loves to discover the outside world by sniffing everything and tasting everything. This required him to take medication for months, which naturally affected his intestines.

Later, we also discovered that Cooper has sensitive intestines, which means we have to be careful about his diet and especially avoid him sampling too many things during walks.

Olly & Molly to the Rescue!

Meanwhile, we have discovered the products Magic Detox & Boost It from Olly & Molly. Both products have been of great help to Cooper! After the heavy medication period, Olly & Molly recommended a 21-day Magic Detox course to detoxify his body.

Additionally, we give Cooper Boost It to provide extra support to his immune system, keeping him in top shape!

A Coat to Be Proud Of

An Australian Shepherd requires regular coat care. In addition to frequent brushing, regular trimming sessions are also necessary. Salmon oil is often recommended to achieve a radiant and shiny coat. However, due to Cooper's sensitive intestines, this is not an option for us.

Luckily, Olly & Molly have Fur'fect in their range. Cooper's coat is soft, radiant, and fluffy. Many people ask me what I do to have such a beautiful coat. My answer: "Regular grooming and daily administration of Olly & Molly's Fur'fect supplements."

Many people ask me what I do to have such a beautiful coat. My answer: regular grooming and daily administration of Olly & Molly's Fur'fect supplements!

Perrine, Cooper's owner

Quality First!

The company Olly & Molly exudes trust! You can always turn to them with questions about any of their supplements in the range and get advice. The team behind Olly & Molly wants only the best for our loyal four-legged friend. That's why I can only recommend Olly & Molly!

Thanks to Olly & Molly's products, Cooper has gained a new adventurous life, full of health and happiness.