With Myno, we found exactly what we were looking for

Zoë & Myno

Myno (pronounced: Maajno) came into our lives after the passing of our previous dog. Myno is the first dog we have raised from a puppy. A very energetic and adorable pup. We had done a lot of research beforehand and specifically looked for an active, not too big family dog. That's how we came across the Australian Shepherd. And let me tell you, Myno is exactly what we were looking for.

A challenging adolescence

Then came the adolescence. It was tough. It literally involved blood, sweat, and tears. It seemed like he had forgotten everything he had learned in the previous months. After getting through that first adolescence, another one came around his 2-year-old mark. We persevered and now we can enjoy an amazing dog.

Weekly obedience training

Myno is now 4 years old, and since the beginning, we have been going to dog school with him twice a week, where he attends obedience training with my father and me. During that time, we participated in about four competitions. In addition, we also try to teach him tricks like sitting nicely, rolling over, playing dead, standing on his hind legs, jumping on my back, weaving through my legs, and more.

Improved breath with Pawfect Smile

One of my favorite tricks is when Myno gives me a kiss (his nose against my cheek/mouth). What's not so pleasant about it is that his breath doesn't always smell fresh. Fortunately, this has greatly improved since we started using Pawfect Smile from Olly & Molly. I'm very grateful for that, and now Myno can give me as many kisses as he wants.

After using Pawfect Smile, Myno can now give me as many kisses as he wants.

Zoë - Myno's owner

Australian Shepherd with a long coat

After our initial research, we knew that we had to take good care of Myno's coat. Australian Shepherds naturally have a long coat. He gets a thorough brushing session every week, and every 3 weeks, he has an appointment with the groomer.

Initially, we also gave him salmon oil to keep his coat shiny. Unfortunately, Myno didn't tolerate this oil well, so we looked for an alternative. Again, Olly & Molly had a solution for us in their product range. Since we started giving him these Fur'fect supplements, Myno's coat has become glossy and incredibly soft to touch.

Embarking on many more adventures together

Everyone naturally thinks their own dog is amazing. The same goes for us. Myno is the dog that perfectly fits our family and is exactly what we were looking for. He is a beautiful dog, both inside and out. Let's hope that we will have many more wonderful adventures with him.