10 amazing facts about dogs

Did you know that every dog's nose print is unique, just like our fingerprint? Read 9 more things you didn't know about dogs in this blog article.

  1. Every dog's nose print is unique, just like our fingerprint.
  2. There are more than 340 dog breeds worldwide.
  3. A dogs' sense of smell is 10 000 to 100 000 times better than that of humans.
  4. The most popular dog breeds in Flanders are: Chihuahua, Border collie, Labrador, Dachshund, ....
  5. There are said to be about 900 million dogs in the world. The United States have the most dogs - nearly 76 million. Brazil comes second, followed by China. In Belgium, about 1,3 million dogs are registered each year.
  6. On average, dogs would be able to understand 250 words and/or gestures, which is roughly equivalent to the mental capacity of a two-year-old child.
  7. Max, Luna, Jack, Sky and Billie are among the most popular dog names in Belgium.
  8. It is hard to believe, but it is illegal in Iran to have a dog as a pet.
  9. Dogs have 3 eyelids. They have the upper and lower eyelids like humans and then a third eyelid. The third eyelid is located in the corner of each eye toward the center of the face and is normally not visible.
  10. Dogs have a positive impact on the heart health of their owner(s). Several studies have shown that dog owners have a lower blood pressure than non-dog owners. The reasons would be that dog parents tend to exercise more and, in addition, it was discovered that both petting and talking to a dog would have a blood pressure lowering effect in dog owners.