Pollen allergy in dogs

Did you know that just like humans, dogs can also suffer from pollen allergy or hay fever?

Pollen is a fine powder produced by certain plants during spring, summer and autumn. The powder is released and picked up and spread by the wind. Pollen allergies are strictly seasonal in dogs since symptoms are triggered by the pollen that is only released from certain grasses, flowers and/or trees during their bloom. It is only when these pollen enter the dog's body that they are considered a threat by the immune system. It is the immune system's reaction to these allergens that causes the unwanted symptoms of hay fever.

Causes of pollen allergy in dogs

In dogs, the incidence of pollen allergy is highly breed-specific. For example, the risk of allergy is said to be significantly higher in: Golden Retriever, Labrador, Terriers, Vizsla, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Setters, ...

Research has shown that in general, dogs are sensitive to the same pollen as humans. The age at which the first symptoms appear in dogs is usually between 6 months and 3 years.

Symptoms of a pollen allergy

While pollen allergens in humans are primarily responsible for symptoms such as rhinitis and asthma, in dogs they primarily cause skin complaints or atopic dermatitis. Pollen allergy in dogs mainly causes itching. Dogs react to itching by scratching which can lead to wounds, bald spots, scabs, hair loss, infections, etc. 

Licking, biting and chewing on paws or rubbing the face and body against furniture or carpets are also often seen. 

My dog shows symptoms of hay fever, what should I do?

If your dog suddenly shows one or more of the symptoms mentioned above, it is recommended to make an appointment with your veterinarian. Based on your information and the injuries present, the veterinarian can make a diagnosis and, if necessary, suggest an appropriate treatment. However, even as a dog parent, you can ease of prevent the discomforts of hay fever for your faithful four-legged friend thanks to a few simple tips. The most important recommendation is to avoid contact with pollen as much as possible. Make sure your dog stays indoors as much as possible during periods of high pollen in the air. In addition, during pollen season, it may also help to wipe your dog's coat daily with a wet towel or rinse with water so that allergens that land on the skin are removed. Special itch relief or soap-free dog shampoos can sometimes help improve symptoms as well. 

For both dogs suffering from pollen allergy and those who could just use some extra support for the skin and coat, Olly & Molly Fur'fect is an excellent choice within Olly & Molly's range. This is because Olly & Molly Fur'fect is a natural supplement based on herbs and plants to support the skin and coat in dogs.

However, the supplements Olly & Molly Magic Detox and Olly & Molly Boost It may also be suitable for use when allergies are present because of their general purifying effect and supportive effect on the immune system, respectively.